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ALEF wins "best annual report"

The accounting firm PwC Sweden has named ALEF as the winner of the prize for Best Annual Report in the Non-profit Sector. The award was presented at Ideellt Forum, an annual event organised by Ideell Arena and Giva Sverige in collaboration with PwC and Swedbank. Among the other finalists were Save the Children, Läkarmissionen and the Radiohjälpen Foundation.

Effictive, simple and engaging

In their award statement, the jury explained what had impressed them about ALEF's report:

”This year's winning report is rooted in the organisation's statutes, aims and objectives. It convincingly shows how the the organisation's resources and methods contribute to the fulfilment of their goals and to the development of society. Information is clearly and accessibly presented, providing a solid basis for meeting stakeholders' needs for control and accountability .The choice to integrate the management report from the outset enhances simplicity and clarity, and the presentation of indicators both pre- and post-intervention provides a good basis for demonstrating and discussing impact. An effective, simple and engaging annual report!”

ALEF:s redovisningsekonom Annica Levanrot och utbildningssamordnare Adam tog emot priset på Ideellt forum 2023

"We want to show what a difference this makes for peoples lives"

"We are a small organisation where everyone is involved in preparing the annual report, it really is a joint product. We managed to produce a high-quality good report with little resources, so it feels great to be recognised," said Adam Bott, ALEF Education Director.

"The impact of our activities is the most important thing to show in our annual report. We want to show what difference it makes in people's lives for those who previously could not read, write and count to gain this knowledge. In the annual report, we focus on explaining our method and the effects we have achieved," said Annica Levenrot, ALEF's head of accounts.

"The aim of the contest is to highlight good examples, but also show concrete areas for improvement. We want to inspire more non-profit organisations to further develop their own accounting," said Sanna Kaneskan, PwC Sweden.

You can read PwC's press-release (in Swedish) here.

You can download a copy of our annual report här.

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